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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Question #1.  I am not the same person I used to be.  Does that mean I have changed my core aura color(s)?


Answer:  No, it is not very likely that you have changed your core aura colors because they are so ingrained in your basic personality but the bands outside the core color(s) can and do change frequently (with differing moods, health, and states of consciousness), especially those bands furthest away from the core colors which change most frequently.  You may have added another color to your aura if your life circumstances have changed or you deliberately changed them yourself.  For example, if you are having to focus on making more money to pay your bills and feed your family or you want to buy a new house or car then you will naturally invoke more Green into your outer aura as you become more driven, hardworking, and focused on making money.  If you are very angry at someone red will show up in your outer aura for the duration of your anger.  You may have taken on more of the characteristics of your second core color if you have a combination of core colors.  Another possibility is that you have learned how to use your core color(s) in a more positive and balanced way and hence it may seem you are not the same person you used to be.  I’m not saying you can’t change your core color(s) because ultimately we are all spiritual beings with free will so anything is possible.  I’m just saying that it is very rare.


Question #2.  Is it possible for me to learn to see auras or is that just a natural gift of psychics?


Answer:  We are all capable of seeing auras with the proper training and there are basically four different steps:


(1) Willingness and desire to see auras

(2) Learning to quiet the mind and trust what you see (this is an especially important step for the mental core colors who tend to doubt their intuitive abilities and rely on logic)

(4) Practice, practice, practice!

(5) Acknowledgment and gratitude


One way you can start is to have a friend stand in front of a white background (a wall for example) and just stare above and beyond your friend’s head.  After a short time you should be able to see a soft white glow around your friend’s body (this is not a white core color.  See question #3 below).  The key is to trust what your higher self is allowing you to see.  Fear will hold you back so let go of any inhibitions or concerns about what other people will think.


Question #3.  Are there any other colors in the aura besides the 14 core colors described?


Answer:  Yes, there are 3 other colors that can show up in a person’s aura.  They are gold, white, and pink.  Gold is a very high vibration and can show up as a core color in an extremely evolved spiritual person, such as Jesus or Sathya Sai Baba.  Since these people are so rare I have not included gold as a core color.  Pink can show up in the outer bands of someone who has an intense desire for love and romance but it is never a core color.  The color white inside a person’s core color(s) (closest to the body) simply means that a major life question has been answered for that person.  The more white next to the body the more questions have been answered.  If a major life question has been asked but is unanswered as of yet the white will be just outside the core color(s).  The most commonly asked major life questions have to do with the existence and nature of God and/or our purpose for being here on Earth.


Question #4.  I have heard that people lose their auras just before they die.  Is that true?


Answer:  Yes, people know when they are about to die on a spiritual level and their aura does fade to nothing before the life force is withdrawn.  Faded auras can also indicate a serious illness and a lack of life force energy circulating through the body as well as a desire to leave the physical body.


Question #5.  Do animals have auras?


Answer:  That’s a very good question and the answer is yes!  However, animals have different aura colors than people do.  Animals have either silver blue auras meaning they know they are animals or they have golden yellow auras which means they think they are humans.  The only exception is dolphins that have the same aura colors as humans do.  That is why they are so intelligent and have such diverse personalities.


Question #6.  I know that countries have karma just like individuals.  Do countries have aura colors just like individuals?


Answer:  No, not technically but different geographical locations attract certain aura colors more than others.  For example, Yellows are bright, cheery people with active, sunny, dispositions and liberal beliefs so naturally they are drawn to sunny climates with lots of outdoor activities for them to participate in and a culture that is open-minded and tolerant of different beliefs.  They also get cold easily so warm climates are important for them.  Places such as Australia , Hawaii , and Southern California attract a lot of Yellows.  Violets are dramatic, passionate, insatiably curious people who want to teach, preach, uplift and inspire others with their visions so they are attracted to places with awe-inspiring scenery, crowds of people, as well as diverse cultural, political, and spiritual events to broaden their horizons.  Paris , San Francisco , Los Angeles , Seattle , and Washington D.C. are some of the cities that Violets are especially drawn to.  Greens like to live in larger cities that focus on finance, investing, stock broking, big business, entrepreneurship, and other ways of making money.  Germany , Japan , Northeastern U.S., and especially New York are just some of the areas that Greens are drawn to.  Obviously Lavenders and Crystals prefer to live away from the hustle and bustle of city life and like to retreat to quiet, simple, pretty areas like the country.  Kauai is one of the more secluded islands in Hawaii that would especially appeal to Lavenders and Crystals .  Oranges need to live where they can participate in their favorite extreme sports or activities, like the Colorado mountains, while Tans want to live in traditional, conservative, safe and secure environments like the Midwest U.S.  Magentas like to live in big, diverse cities on the cutting edge of trends and creativity where they can be outrageous and still fit in.  Los Angeles and San Francisco are two cities where Magentas might feel most at home.


Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?  My e-mail address is:  grussrowe@cox.net

This page was last updated on 05/29/05.