Saturn in Taurus
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The sign Saturn was in when you were born describes the way in which you need to express yourself to overcome your fears, insecurities and shortcomings and become your own authority in life.  However, because Saturn is a challenging or “difficult” planet, this usually isn’t easy.  We often experience Saturn’s archetype in terms of our Shadow.  In Jungian psychology, the archetype of the Shadow is everything about ourselves we would prefer not to acknowledge.  Because we cannot acknowledge it in ourselves, it is very easy for us to experience problems in our life in one of two different ways.  We can either overcompensate the sign Saturn was in when we were born or we can project the sign.

In overcompensation too much attention is placed on the sign Saturn was in when you were born and it is overdone in a negative way, causing problems in your life.  When overcompensating, you place too much importance on the pressure from Saturn, to the exclusion of other parts of your life.

In projection too little attention is placed on the sign Saturn was in when you were born and it is underdone in a negative way, causing problems in your life.  When projecting, Saturn appears as the very qualities you most dislike in others.  In either case the Saturn archetype is not being handled effectively.

Saturn (§) in Taurus (Þ)

Taurus Keyphrase:  “I need to be resourceful, productive and stable.”

The Test      With Saturn in Taurus you are learning how to……

·        Have faith that your innate skills and talents are more than adequate to provide all the security you need.

·        Establish a solid base (domestic and professional) which will provide you with a sense of protection against life’s unpredictability.

·        Subdue your need for guarantees of absolute security that inhibit your free expression.

·        Place the appropriate amount of time and attention on your body and the sensual/material side of life (not too much or too little).

·        Enjoy abundance and prosperity without worrying about “what if…..?” happening.


Positive § in ÞQualities                                          Negative § in ÞQualities

Earthy, Abundance Mentality, Industrious                                  Materialistic, Avaricious, Acquisitive

Practical, Economical, Productive                                             Overcautious, Too Security Oriented

Financially Aware, Prudent, Conserving                                    Miserly, Penny-Pinching, Territorial

Steadfast, Stable, Reliable, Dependable                                    Stubborn Self-Sufficiency, Possessive

Persistent, Enduring, Persevering, Patient                                   Clinging to Outworn Structures/Values

Artistic, Aesthetic, Lover of Beauty/Nature                               Self-Indulgent, Uncontrolled Appetites

Sensual, Domestic, Placid                                                         Passive, Lethargic, Lazy


What is your expression of these qualities – slightly projected, significantly projected, overcompensated or balanced?


Slightly Projected Expression

·        You have some self-doubt about your ability to create abundance in your life

·        You dislike wealthy people who flaunt their wealth through their possesssions

·        You complain those who are, to you, materialistic

·        You have some self-worth issues which inhibit the natural flow of abundance to you


Significantly Projected Expression

·        You attract selfish, materialistic, miserly and/or stubborn people into your life

·        You have a great fear of being unable to provide for your own financial security

·        You constantly worry about not having enough but do nothing about it


Overcompensated Expression

·        Security and material well-being is inordinately important to you.

·        Regardless of your actual possessions, their never seems like enough to really feel secure

·        You have an underlying fear of poverty and lack, or that everything could be taken away at anytime

·        You are very territorial, miserly and acquisitive

·        You yearn for lasting security

·        You have a deep fear of taking risks, especially financially; a hoarding mentality

·        Your need for stability and security is stifling; a self-imposed prison of protection


Balanced Expression

·        You have developed security as a state of mind because you know that change and unpredictability are unavoidable

·        Your life is filled with just enough possessions to bring you pleasure and reflect your value system but not so many to clutter your life

·        You have learned that a life of integrity aligned with your values is worth more than money

·        You have learned to “store up treasures in heaven” as well as on Earth as you realize there is nothing in this world that cannot be taken away, lost or destroyed

·        You have an uncanny sensibility which makes you a master at manifestation

·        You have developed your innate skills and talents and feel a deep sense of self-worth

·        You enjoy abundance and prosperity without worrying about “what if…..”


Some Famous People with Saturn in Taurus

Pablo Picaso – Spanish artist renowned as one of the inventor of the Cubist movement.

Ronald Reagan – 40th President of the United States

Barbra Streisand – American singer and actress

Louis Pasteur – French scientist, biochemist and bacteriologist.  Originator of pasteurization.

John Lennon – British musician, superstar with “The Beatles” and icon with the hippie generation.

Lucille Ball – American actress and comedienne

Martha Stewart – American entrepreneur

Muhammad Ali – Three time heavyweight boxing champion.



Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?  My e-mail address is:

This page was last updated on 05/29/05.