If you would like to learn more about what this self-assessment can do for you then go to the Self-Awareness Self-Assessments Overview page and read about the Jungian-Keirsey Type and Temperament Self-Assessment.
One of the two columns below will be more natural and comfortable for you, even if ever so slightly. If you had to choose, which of the following two columns as a whole reflects how you prefer (at least 51% of the time) to take in information, S or N? Answer as you are when not under stress or conforming to other's expectations. Compare each statement in each column rather than reading each column separately.
Most people misunderstand what E (extraverting) and I (introverting) mean in this system so let me clarify here. In this system, extraverting and introverting have nothing to do with liking people or being socially adept. Extraverts are biologically hardwired to prefer getting their energy from being with people and doing group activities. If they have to spend too much time alone or performing tasks that require solitude, they quickly become bored, tired, dispirited and low. Introverts are biologically hardwired to prefer getting energized from spending time alone to recharge their batteries. Even if introverts like being with people, which most of them do, interacting with others TOO much and for TOO long drains their energy (especially with large groups of people, like at parties).
Directions: Click on the E or I button () in the above table if you haven't already done so. After completing this section you will have chosen 4 letters (one from each of sections 1, 2, 3 and 5). The computer should have alerted you to your indicated 4-letter Jungian-Keirsey type. If not, combine those 4 letters in the following order; the letter you chose from: Section 5, Section 1, Section 2, Section 3. For example, ESTJ, INFP, ISTP, ENFJ, etc. That 4-letter code is your indicated Jungian-Keirsey type. Go on to Section 6 now to verify your results.
Now that you have your 4 letter preferences, here is what all the letters stand for: E=Extraverting (Extraverts), I=Introverting (Introverts), S=Sensing (Sensors), N=Intuiting (Intuitives), T=Thinking (Thinkers), F=Feeling (Feelers), J=Judging (Judgers), P=Perceiving (Perceivers). Look below and see if you still agree with your 4 letter choices. If not, change them. Each of us sees the world a particular way so you may be able to recognize your own frustrations with other preferences. Go on to the final section, section 7, when you are finished verifying or changing your 4-letter code.
Potential Sources of Conflict for Each Preference
Extraverts (Es) may see Introverts (Is) as: • too secretive and private at times • withholding and reserved • self-absorbed; in their own little world • socially awkward • too focused • thinking too much before acting • wanting to be alone too much Sensors (Ss) may see Intuitives (Ns) as: • capricious and inconsistent (esp. NFs) • overly idealistic, unrealistic or impractical • having their heads in the clouds • lacking common sense • too complicated and abstract (esp. NTs) • getting agitated with small details of life • living in the future too much and failing to appreciate the present Thinkers (Ts) may see Feelers (Fs) as: • avoiding conflict in the name of harmony • overly sensitive; taking things too personally • illogical and irrational • weak; not being firm and taking a stand when it is needed • needing to please others too much • wanting to talk about feelings and emotions too much Judgers (Js) may see Perceivers (Ps) as: • fickle, indecisive, and/or unreliable • not time conscious enough, chronically late; can sometimes miss important deadlines • not serious enough, flighty (esp. NFs) • procrastinators; always postponing what needs to be done • never finishing what they start • constantly misplacing things • changeable and unpredictable |
Introverts (Is) may see Extraverts (Es) as: • too talkative and chatty at times • intrusive and overwhelming • unable to tune into their "inner voice" • superficial and gossipy (especially Fs) • hyperactive and overbooked • acting too quickly before thinking • wanting other people involved too much Intuitives (Ns) may see Sensors (Ss) as: • uninspired, unoriginal and uncreative • resistant to new ideas, what's possible • always wanting proof of a things existence • lacking vision, imagination, foresight • too simplistic and literal • relying on the past and five senses too much • clinging to the present, the known, and not trusting their inspirations/visions Feelers (Fs) may see Thinkers (Ts) as: • willing to sacrifice harmony in favor of logic and justice • cold, insensitive and hard-hearted • blunt, critical and sometimes even argumentative • uncaring; unbending and uncompromising in the name of fairness and justice • inhumane; inconsiderate of how others feel • unable to express their feelings/emotions Perceivers (Ps) may see Judgers (Js) as: • rigid, inflexible, stubborn and/or controlling • too black and white, closed-minded • lacking spontaneity and ability to relax • too serious; needing to lighten up a little • taskmasters; so focused on a task that they don't recognize new needs • unwilling to leave things open for change • apt to make decisions too quickly; jumping to conclusions with too little information |
Now you should have a Jungian-Keirsey type (the 4-letter code, like ESTP or INFJ, etc.) and a Jungian-Keirsey temperament (the color Deep Green, True Blue, Solid Gold or Bold Orange) that you are fairly confident sounds like you. To learn MUCH more about your Jungian-Keirsey temperament and type click on your links below. Of course, you can also learn about anyone else's temperament and type, if you know what they are.
Besides your core temperament you also have a secondary temperament that usually plays a strong role in your personality and behavior. If you go back and read the other descriptions in Section 4 (those that are not your own temperament color) you will probably be able to tell which is your secondary temperament. For example, if you are a True Blue and you identify with the Deep Green description also then your temperament combination would be True Blue/Deep Green. If you are a Bold Orange and you identify with the True Blue description also then your temperament combination would be Bold Orange/True Blue. To learn more about your temperament combination colors just click on the appropriate link below.
The DEEP GREEN Temperament (NT) The 4 Deep Green Jungian-Keirsey types: ENTJ ENTP INTJ INTP The 3 Deep Green temperament combinations: DEEP GREEN/TRUE BLUE DEEP GREEN/SOLID GOLD DEEP GREEN/BOLD ORANGE The TRUE BLUE Temperament (NF) The 4 True Blue Jungian-Keirsey types: ENFJ ENFP INFJ INFP The 3 True Blue temperament combinations: TRUE BLUE/DEEP GREEN TRUE BLUE/SOLID GOLD TRUE BLUE/BOLD ORANGE |
The SOLID GOLD Temperament (SJ) The 4 Solid Gold Jungian-Keirsey types: ESTJ ESFJ ISTJ ISFJ The 3 Solid Gold temperament combinations: SOLID GOLD/DEEP GREEN SOLID GOLD/TRUE BLUE SOLID GOLD/BOLD ORANGE The BOLD ORANGE Temperament (SP) The 4 Bold Orange Jungian-Keirsey types: ESTP ESFP ISTP ISFP The 3 Bold Orange temperament combinations: BOLD ORANGE/DEEP GREEN BOLD ORANGE/TRUE BLUE BOLD ORANGE/SOLID GOLD |