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Self-Awareness Self-Assessments



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There are seven self-awareness self-assessments you can take on this website. They are based on some of the most powerful personality systems I know of for self-awareness. Collectively, these systems have many practical applications, including: relationship compatibility, vocational guidance, self-esteem building, leadership development, conflict resolution, life coaching, psychological counseling, spiritual evolution, exercise and nutritional guidance, educational guidance based on different learning styles, and better parenting based on an enhanced understanding of a child. Click on any bullet-pointed link below to read a brief overview of that system or any numbered link below to go directly to the self-assessment(s) associated with that system.

• Read overview about: The Enneagram System

1. Go to: The Enneagram Type Self-Assessment
2. Go to: The Enneagram Subtype Self-Assessment

• Read overview about: The Jungian-Keirsey System

3. Go to: The Jungian-Keirsey Type and Temperament Self-Assessment

• Read overview about: The Aura Colors System

4. Go to: The Aura Colors Self-Assessment

• Read overview about: The Dosha Type System

5. Go to: The Dosha Type Self-Assessment

• Read overview about: The Multiple Intelligences System

6. Go to: The Multiple Intelligences Self-Assessment

• Read overview about: The DISC System

7. Go to: The DISC Self-Assessment

For more in-depth information about each system on this website (including astrology and numerology, not listed here because they have no self-assessment) click here.

The Enneagram System: The Enneagram (pronounced Any-A-Gram), as it is called, is a powerful and dynamic personality system that gets to the very root of our unconscious fears and desires. It is a relatively new system to the general public but is gaining more and more prominence all the time. The Enneagram describes 9 distinct personality types (type 1, type 2, type 3,......, type 9), each with its own unique way of thinking, feeling and acting. Because of its depth of insight into a person, the Enneagram is quickly becoming an invaluable tool for spiritual teachers, healers and therapists but it is also a favorite tool of life coaches, business consultants, parents, and those who seek greater self-awareness. My use of the Enneagram, on this website, is primarily for relationship compatibility and vocational guidance. The Enneagram Type Self-Assessment will help you determine which of the 9 Enneagram types you are. The Enneagram Subtype Self-Assessment will help you determine which of the 3 subtypes within your Enneagram type you are - (1) self-preservation, (2) sexual, or (3) social. This is especially helpful to know for relationship compatibility.

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The Jungian-Keirsey System: The Jungian-Keirsey system is the most widely used personality system in the United States (and probably the world). It too is a powerful system that has been used for virtually every practical application listed in the introductory paragraph at the top of this page. In this system, people are classified into one of four distinct temperament types - Solid Gold, Bold Orange, Deep Green, or True Blue. People are also classified into one of 16 distinct personality types (called Jungian-Keirsey types, such as ESTJ, INFP, ISTJ, ENFP, etc.) with 4 Jungian-Keirsey types belonging to each of the 4 distinct temperaments. For example, ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, and ISFJ are all of the Solid Gold temperament because of the "S" and "J" in their 4-letter code name. My use of the Jungian-Keirsey system, on this website, is primarily for relationship compatibility and vocational guidance. The Jungian-Keirsey Type and Temperament Self-Assessment will help you determine your Jungian-Keirsey type and your Jungian-Keirsey temperament.

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The Aura Colors System: The Aura Colors system is a little-known gem of a system for self-awareness. It is based on the direct correlation between aura colors and personality traits. Everyone has an aura (which are 3-dimensional bands of colored light around the body) and the color closest to a person's body most closely defines that person's personality. In this system, there are 14 distinct aura colors that someone might have closest to their body. Most people have 1 or 2 colors closest to their body that accurately define their world view. There are 3 "families" of aura colors in which all 14 aura colors belong - (1) the physical family of aura colors, (2) the mental family of aura colors, and (3) the emotional/spiritual family of aura colors. It is a pity that so many people are put off by anything metaphysical because of their beliefs because this system could help resolve so many "problems" for people. As for all the other systems here, my use of the Aura Colors system, on this website, is primarily for relationship compatibility and vocational guidance. The Aura Colors Self-Assessment will help you to determine your aura color family and distinct aura color(s) closest to your body.

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The Dosha Type System: The Dosha Type system is based on Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda is the preventative and prescriptive health-care system from India. It has been around for over 5,000 years. It is a holistic system designed to keep body and mind in balance. The 3 doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha - are the invisible, metabolic principles underlying all of life for sentient beings. They are composed of the 5 fundamental elements as expressed in their biological form. Vata = Air + Space. Pitta = Fire + Water. Kapha = Water + Earth. Everyone has a unique combination of these doshas which is called a person's unique Prakruti. Your Prakruti is your mind (psychological) and body (physical) constitutional type. Although there are only 3 doshas, Ayurveda commonly combines them into 10 dosha (aka mind-body) types because each type has so much in common. These types are: (1) Vata, (2) Pitta, (3) Kapha, (4) Vata-Pitta, (5) Vata-Kapha, (6) Pitta-Vata, (7) Pitta-Kapha, (8) Kapha-Vata, (9) Kapha-Pitta, and (10) Vata-Pitta-Kapha. Once you know which of these 10 dosha types you are, you can develop a lifestyle - including food choices, exercise, massage, meditation, and more - that is most in harmony with your mind-body type. Knowing your dosha type makes prevention of illness easier and it makes treatment more accurate if a disease or illness does appear. Unlike Western medicine's use of drugs for treatment of an illness, Ayurveda's prescriptions for disease are more natural. Ayurveda relies heavily on stress-reduction and dosha balancing methods such as meditation, healing sounds, healing visualizations, marma therapy, aromatherapy, and music therapy. It also makes use of herbs, spices and food as remedies. My use of the dosha type system, on this website, is primarily for relationship compatibility and vocational guidance but there are many fine references if you want to learn more about this amazing system from a health and wellness standpoint. The Dosha Type Self-Assessment will help you determine which of the 10 dosha types you were born with as well as whether your natural impulses are more Sattvic, Rajasic, or Tamasic in nature.

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The Multiple Intelligences System: The Multiple Intelligences system is a system that proposes there are many different ways to be intelligent besides IQ. Dr. Howard Gardner, a psychologist, researcher and professor of education at Harvard University developed his theory of multiple intelligences after noticing that humans throughout history have always possessed a broad range of abilities not identified by an IQ test. The Multiple Intelligences system is gaining prominence among progressive school teachers now because Dr. Gardner has shown that kids learn in very different ways, depending on their innate intelligences. There are currently 8 comprehensive categories of intelligence that Dr. Gardner has recognized. They are: (1) Verbal-Linguistic intelligence, (2) Logical-Mathematical intelligence, (3) Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, (4) Visual-Spatial intelligence, (5) Musical intelligence, (6) Interpersonal intelligence, (7) Intrapersonal intelligence, and the latest intelligence is the (8) Naturalist intelligence. Dr. Gardner does not rule out the existence of other intelligences but his strict criteria must be met for a potential intelligence to be considered a full-blown intelligence. One potential intelligence that is currently under investigation by Howard Gardner is what he calls, "the existential intelligence." My use of the Multiple Intelligences system, on this website, is primarily for relationship compatibility and vocational guidance but there are many fine references if you want to learn more about this amazing system from an educational standpoint. The Multiple Intelligences Self-Assessment will help you determine in which of the 8 ways you are smart.

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The DISC System: The DISC system, just as the Jungian-Keirsey system, is one of the most widely used personality systems in the United States. It is based on the theoretical work of William Moulton Marston, Ph.D. He introduced the DISC model in his 1928 book Emotions of Normal People. His premise was simple. He noticed that people tended to behave along two axes. One axis showed that some people tended to react more to their environment (i.e., they were less assertive) while others tended to act more on their environment (i.e., they were more assertive). The other axis showed that some people tended to be more responsive to others (i.e., more people-oriented) while others tended to be less responsive to others (i.e., more task-oriented). When the two axes are placed at right angles to each other they form four quadrants that explain the four fundamental behavioral patterns of people that the acronym DISC stands for.

D stands for Dominance. These people are active and task-oriented.
I stands for Influence (aka Inducement). These people are active and people-oriented.
S stands for Steadiness (aka Supportiveness). These people are reactive and people-oriented.
C stands for Conscientiousness (aka Cautious). These people are reactive and task-oriented.

The DISC system has evolved now to categorize people into 16 different personality types, depending on the unique interaction of a person's D, I, S, and C characteristics. As for all the other systems here, my use of the DISC system, on this website, is primarily for relationship compatibility and vocational guidance. The DISC Self-Assessment will help you to determine your unique DISC profile.

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